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How To Make Content In 2023!

Updated: Dec 16, 2023

A man holding a cell phone in front of social media content
Kingdom Media Blog

We get asked this a lot in the Kingdom. "How can I get started; What's trending; Where do I even start, What platform? How do we move forward from here?" The answer currently is VERY SIMPLE tap into PAC: Platform + Culture. (credit: GaryVee)

This approach will change your social media game in 2023. The number one way to be successful in making content on social platforms is simply through the lens of PAC.

Ok, tracking so, what exactly does it mean? Let’s lift the kingdom walls a bit and see the treasure:


STEP ONE: Post on all platforms, (yes we said all) as a content strategy through the use of quick and simple UGC (user-generated content). That vertical straight from your moble device feel is on fire right now. It's never been easier to post quick insights, thoughts and micro-content moments even tutorials. Notice we said "Micro."

How frequently? Every day, yes every day when humanly possible. Exercise your content legs every single day.

We also need to have a quick conversation (family meeting) about self-judgment. It may not be because you want to… but this meeting is about your instability, fear, and crippling procrastination about what you’re going to say, how you look, or they might laugh at you, etc. Each of these is a self-built castle wall that only holds you back.

Goal #1 Step Outside Of Your Personal Castle and Explore Making Content... Do It, Like Now!


STEP TWO: Speak to your culture, the insider tips, the hot-takes, the what's trending now,  all things that your brand audience is following – and in your UGC, reference it all, trust that people want to hear from you and your insight will motivate someone's advantage. (keyboard warriors aside) THERE IS A CATCH, No selling, not now, almost not ever! "Wait a minute Kingdom Media, No Selling of my products/services?" "Then why am I posting content?"

Great content isn’t about “selling” your product or service … great content is about understanding and inserting yourself or your brand into the appropriate kingdom where conversations are taking place online. KINGDOM RULE:🔥 People do NOT visit social media platforms to be sold something,

viewers/clients/people visit TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, etc. to be ENTERTAINED (are you not entertained?!) Sorry, that just blurted out. Well, HOW DO WE DO THAT without sharing our 10% discount on belts or burritos?

Simple; post-natural, non-fancy UGC content that adds value to the viewer and leave the selling of your product to the ads experts (like Kingdom Media).

KINGDOM INSIGHT:🔥 Know the social platform nuances,

If you do not know how the platforms are acting, TikTok, LinkedIn, Facebook, then you’re not going to be successful. 

You must understand the tone, the tenor and the creative strategy of different platforms. HOW is content being CONSUMED there? But I don't have time for that... (insert breaking glass) Then close your business - you've already lost!

You need to know that Facebook Reels are created, consumed, and treated differently from TikTok or Youtube Shorts.

You need to know that Instagram is failing with organic content and Twitter is the new Wild West for ad spend, organic content delivery, and untethered exposure to new faces.

You must know that Youtube is by fact the second largest search engine in the world, (think about that for a moment) as a result, it’s so important to title your video correctly. (that little nugget is so BIG like KINGDOM big!) Are your thumbnails hand-crafted for instant "oooh I must tap to watch that now" type feels? Are you correctly placing the URL? Are you posting at the best trending time of day when most 9-5 worker bees are surfing on their free business internet? Hint: Commonly, Wednesday just before lunch and then again just before clock-out? etc. 

The answer to each of those questions is with ACTION. Simply remember the first goal: Goal #1 Step Outside Of Your Personal Castle and Explore Making Content... Do It, Now!

Want more? You can comment and share on all the platforms @kingdommediaco

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